Best Practices for Recruiting Accounts Receivable Specialists

Best Practices for Recruiting Accounts Receivable Specialists
Does it feel like your business is buried under a mountain of receivables backlog and tons of aging debt? Have you built strong personal relationships with clients but are uncomfortable following up with them for payment on outstanding invoices?
You know that receiving timely customer payments helps reduce cash flow issues, ensures your own bills are paid, and your business can continue to grow. That’s why you need an Accounts Receivable Specialist on your side.

Key Sections

What Does an Accounts Receivable Specialist do?

An Accounts Receivable (A/R) Specialist supports an A/R Manager or Credit Manager in the supervision of billing, credit policies, and collections while also working with Legal on invoice disputes. A/R Specialist responsibilities can also include:
  • Invoice prep and distribution
  • Customer service
  • Recording, reconciling, collecting, and resolving payments
  • Negotiating payment term
  • Maintaining billing records
  • Producing reports
  • Assisting with collections
  • Extending credit
  • Reviewing and updating credit policies

What Qualities Should I Look for in Accounts Receivable Specialists?

To identify an ideal candidate for an Accounts Receivable Specialist role, one needs to consider several key attributes of success:

Technical Proficiency

Finance & Accounting has undergone a significant transformation with the majority of collection-related activities now digitized. Accounts Receivable Specialists should be proficient in industry-standard tools for tracking accounts, communicating with customers, collecting payments, and generating reports.

Organizational Skills

Accounts Receivable Specialists often handle a substantial volume of statements, invoices, and other financial data. Therefore, A/R Specialists must be highly organized, as overlooked invoices and missed payments can significantly impact cash flow.

Effective Communication

A key aspect of the Accounts Receivable Specialist role is to engage with customers so they must be tactful in resolving unpaid invoices or late payments. A/R Specialists with effective communication skills will strengthen client relationships and help establish clear payment expectations, overcome objections, and reduce delayed or missed payments.

Attention to Detail

Despite the power of modern accounting automation tools, calculation errors and duplicate invoices may still occur. Accounts Receivable Specialists are expected to quickly identify and address such issues with internal stakeholders and customers alike, even in high-volume scenarios.

Communication Skills

Accounts Receivable Specialists typically interact with both customers and other collection experts on their teams. Strong interpersonal communication builds good rapport and is essential for successful accounts receivable work.

Strategic Mindset

While accurately forecasting credit sales revenue may be challenging, successful Accounts Receivable Specialists should be constantly and proactively monitoring industry trends and cultivating personal relationships with customers to anticipate potential collection issues.


A/R Specialists must possess the confidence to navigate uncomfortable conversations surrounding a client’s ability to meet their financial obligations. Having the ability to empathize helps Accounts Receivable Specialists ensure a customer’s adherence to their payment plan.

Continuous Training

Effective Accounts Receivable Specialists continuously participate in ongoing training. A/R Specialists that are successful in the long term are always exploring new tools. They also have a deep knowledge of their industry and market demands, as well as the challenges their clients are facing.

Crafting an Effective Job Description

Crafting an Effective Job Description
A well-crafted job description is crucial for not only attracting the best A/R Specialists but also setting clear expectations for the role. Key elements of the Accounts Receivable Specialist job description are:
  • Responsibilities: Specify the daily tasks such as tracking invoices, handling missed payments, and preparing financial reports, etc.
  • Skills Required: List essential skills like the eight outlined above.
  • Qualifications: Mention required educational backgrounds, such as a Bachelor’s degree in Finance or Accounting, and any preferred certifications like a CPA.

Utilizing Multiple Recruitment Channels

Employing a diverse range of recruitment strategies not only broadens your candidate base but also increases the chances of finding the ideal match for your needs. Key strategies to finding your next A/R Specialist include:

Social Media

Platforms like LinkedIn allow you to post job listings and to search for candidates actively showcasing their skills in Finance.

Staffing Agencies

Partnering with specialized agencies, such as VALiNTRY, can help tap into a pre-vetted talent pool with specific expertise in Finance and Accounting.

Referral Programs

Encourage current employees to refer qualified candidates, which can lead to faster hires who are also often a good cultural fit.

Streamlining the Interview Process

An organized and efficient candidate journey simplifies the hiring timeline and increases the chances of selecting a candidate who will perform well and integrate smoothly into your team. Keys to optimizing the interview process include:
Pre-Screening: Utilize phone or video calls for initial screening to assess basic qualifications and communication skills before inviting candidates for more in-depth interviews.
Structured Interviews: Develop a standard set of questions that focus on technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and previous experience relevant to the role.
Practical Assessments: Include practical tasks such as a brief analysis of a sample ledger or resolving a hypothetical payment discrepancy. This helps in understanding the candidates’ hands-on abilities and decision-making process.

Offering Competitive Compensation and Benefits

It’s critical to offer a competitive compensation and benefits package that aligns with industry standards and reflects the candidate’s location, experience, and skill. A competitive package also boosts employee satisfaction and loyalty, contributing to lower turnover rates. Important compensation considerations include:
Salary: Research industry benchmarks to ensure your offer is competitive. Include potential for performance bonuses or profit sharing to incentivize excellence.
Health Benefits: Provide a robust health insurance plan, including dental and vision, which is a standard expectation in today’s job market.
Retirement Plans: Offer 401(k) matching to aid in employees’ long-term financial security.
Work-Life Balance: Consider flexible working conditions, such as remote work options or flexible hours, to attract a broader range of highly qualified applicants.

Choose VALiNTRY as your Trusted Accounts Receivable Specialist Staffing Partner

Partnering with VALiNTRY as your trusted Accounts Receivable Specialist Staffing Partner can help your organization reduce costs, save time, and ensure rapid scalability.

With over a decade in the business of recruiting Accounts Receivable Specialists across various industries, VALiNTRY’s recruiters are ready to use their extensive expertise to uncover the candidates with the skills you need to be successful.

Contact us today to discover how VALiNTRY can become your preferred Accounts Receivable Specialists Staffing Agency!

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