Struggling to Hire Android Developers? Discover the Ultimate Guide to Finding Top Talent!

Struggling to Hire Android Developers? Discover the Ultimate Guide to Finding Top Talent
In today’s mobile-first world, finding and hiring skilled Android developers is a critical challenge for organizations aiming to establish or enhance their mobile presence. With the ever-evolving Android ecosystem and fierce competition for top talent, many firms struggle to identify, attract, and retain the right Android development professionals.
From understanding the role of an Android developer to navigating various hiring options, this comprehensive guide addresses these challenges head-on, providing you with essential insights into the Android development landscape, effective hiring strategies, and key interview questions to help you secure the best talent for your team.
Additionally, we’ll shed light on the current salary trends in the U.S. Android development market, to help you align your offers with industry standards. Whether you’re a startup looking to build your first Android app or an established company expanding your mobile development team, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to streamline your hiring process and find the Android talent that will drive your mobile initiatives forward.

Key Sections

Why Hire Android Developers?

The decision to hire Android developers is crucial for businesses aiming to establish a strong mobile presence. With Android’s market share exceeding 70% globally, these professionals are key to reaching a vast user base. Android developers bring specialized skills that enable companies to:
  • Create custom applications tailored to business needs
  • Tap into the growing mobile commerce market
  • Enhance customer engagement through mobile-first strategies
  • Leverage Android-specific features for unique user experiences
  • Ensure compatibility across a wide range of Android devices
By choosing to hire Android developers, businesses position themselves to capitalize on the mobile revolution and stay ahead of competitors in an increasingly digital marketplace.

What Does an Android Developer Do?

When you hire Android developers, you’re bringing on board professionals who are responsible for the entire Android app development lifecycle. Their role encompasses:

1. App Conceptualization and Design

  • Collaborating with stakeholders to define app requirements
  • Creating wireframes and prototypes
  • Designing user-friendly interfaces adhering to Android design principles

2. Development and Coding

  • Writing clean, efficient code using Java or Kotlin
  • Implementing Android SDK and various APIs
  • Integrating with backend services and databases

3. Testing and Debugging

  • Conducting unit and integration tests
  • Identifying and fixing bugs and performance issues
  • Ensuring app stability across different Android versions and devices

4. Optimization and Performance Tuning

  • Improving app speed and responsiveness
  • Optimizing battery and memory usage
  • Enhancing app security

5. Maintenance and Updates

  • Implementing new features and functionalities
  • Addressing user feedback and market demands
  • Keeping the app compatible with the latest Android OS updates

6. Collaboration and Communication

  • Working with cross-functional teams including designers, backend developers, and product managers
  • Documenting code and development processes
  • Participating in code reviews and knowledge sharing
Android Developers are divided into 3 primary classifications based on experience:
Experience Required Experience to
     Focus On
SDE – I 0 – 2 Years Kotlin/Java Basics, Android Basic Concepts   (Activity, Service, Fragment, etc)
SDE – II 2 – 5 Years Architecture (MVVM, MVP), How Testing is Done,   etc.
SDE – III 4 – 8 Years Dependency Injection (Dagger, Kotlin Coroutine,   Memory Leaks, etc)   

Benefits of Hiring Android Developers

The decision to hire Android developers brings numerous advantages to businesses:
  1. Market Reach: Access the vast Android user base, expanding your potential customer pool.
  2. Custom Solutions: Develop tailor-made apps that perfectly align with your business objectives and user needs.
  3. Competitive Edge: Stay ahead with innovative mobile offerings that set you apart from competitors.
  4. Enhanced User Experience: Create intuitive, responsive apps that keep users engaged and loyal to your brand.
  5. Increased Productivity: Streamline internal processes and boost efficiency through custom mobile solutions.
  6. Revenue Growth: Tap into new revenue streams through in-app purchases, mobile advertising, or subscription models.
  7. Brand Visibility: Increase your brand’s presence on the Google Play Store, enhancing discoverability.
  8. Data-Driven Insights: Gather valuable user data to inform business decisions and product improvements.
  9. Scalability: Easily adapt and expand your app as your business grows and evolves.
  10. Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly connect your mobile app with other business systems and third-party services.

How Much Does an Android Developer Make in the U.S.?

Understanding the financial landscape for Android developers is crucial for hiring leaders looking to attract top talent. By examining average salaries, regional variations, and other factors influencing compensation from reputable sources such as,,, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employers are able to get an expectation of the costs involved in hiring Android Developers.
Bear in mind that other factors such as:
1. Years of experience
2. Education level
3. Specific skills and certifications
4. Company size and industry
5. Geographic location
can highly influence an Android Developer’s salary.

Android Developer Salary Data (U.S.)

Average Salary Salary Range
$110,581 $98,146 - $125,057   
This salary data falls in line with the BLS data for the broader category of “Software Developers, Quality Assurance Analysts, and Testers” which also shows that the entire field of software development (including Android Developers) is projected to grow much faster than average through 2032.
Metric Value
Median   Annual Wage $110,140
Employment 17,96,300
Projected Growth   (by 2032) 25% (Much faster than average)   

Top Android Developer Salaries (by U.S. City)

It’s important to note that salaries can vary widely depending on factors such as education, certifications, additional skills, and years of experience in the role. For example, Android App Developer salaries differ across various cities in the United States:
City Average Salary
San   Francisco, CA $138,015
New York, NY $129,232
Boston, MA $124,084
Washington, DC $123,201
Seattle, WA $122,557
Los Angeles, CA $119,245
Chicago, IL $116,153   
These figures demonstrate how location can significantly impact an Android Developer’s salary, with tech hubs like San Francisco and New York offering higher compensation compared to other cities.Additionally, Android developers may also enjoy yearly bonuses between $1,000 and $17,000, as well as other benefits like paid leave, health insurance, and travel allowances, depending on the employer.

Finding Top Android Developers in the USA

With the increasing demand for skilled developers, it is crucial to adopt effective strategies to identify and attract top talent. Whether you choose to hire freelancers, engage an IT recruiting agency, or build an in-house team, knowing where to look and how to evaluate candidates will significantly impact your success in hiring the right Android developer for your needs.

3 Ways to Hire an Android Developer

Pros Cons

Hire a Freelance Android Developer Yourself
1. Direct control over hiring process
2. Potentially lower costs
3. Flexibility in project duration and scope
4. Access to global talent pool
1. Time-consuming screening process
2. Limited access to employed developers
3. Potential reliability issues
4. Lack of team integration
5. IP rights and confidentiality challenges
Hire an Android Developer with an IT Recruiting Agency
1. Access to pre-screened candidates
2. Faster hiring process
3. Industry expertise and market insights
4. Reduced hiring risks
5. Assistance with negotiations
6. Access to passive candidates
1. Higher upfront costs
2. Less direct control over initial screening
3. Potential misalignment with company culture
4. Dependency on agency's network
Hire an In-House Android Developer Yourself
1. Full-time dedication to projects
2. Direct team integration
3. Long-term investment in growth
4. Greater control over work processes
5. Enhanced security and confidentiality
6. Deep business knowledge development
1. Higher long-term costs (salary, benefits)
2. Time-consuming recruitment process
3. Limited flexibility in team scaling
4. Difficulty finding local talent
5. Ongoing retention responsibility
6. Risk of over-reliance on individual

Interview Techniques for Android Developers

When you hire Android developers, implementing effective interview techniques is crucial:

1. Technical Assessments

  • Conduct coding challenges focused on Android-specific problems
  • Evaluate knowledge of Android SDK, Java/Kotlin, and relevant frameworks
  • Assess understanding of Android app architecture and design patterns

2. Portfolio Review

  • Examine past projects, focusing on complexity and impact
  • Review contributions to open-source repositories
  • Discuss challenges faced in previous projects and how they were overcome

3. Behavioral Questions

  • Assess problem-solving abilities in Android development scenarios
  • Evaluate teamwork and communication skills
  • Gauge adaptability to new technologies and Android updates

4. Scenario-Based Questions

  • Present real-world Android development situations to test practical knowledge
  • Evaluate decision-making skills in app optimization scenarios
  • Assess ability to balance user experience with technical constraints

5. Cultural Fit Assessment

  • Ensure alignment with your company’s values and work environment
  • Evaluate passion for Android development and continuous learning
  • Assess ability to work in your specific team structure (Agile, Scrum, etc.)

6. Technical Discussion

  • Engage in in-depth conversations about Android architecture components
  • Discuss experience with different Android testing frameworks
  • Evaluate knowledge of Android security best practices
Understanding the responsibilities, expectations and hiring models for Android Developers, we now present 75 interview questions sorted by experience level:

Entry Level Android Developer Interview Questions (SDE – I)

1. What programming languages are used for Android development?

The primary languages are Java and Kotlin, with Kotlin being the preferred language for Android development since 2019.

2. What is an Activity in Android?

An Activity is a fundamental component of Android apps that represents a single screen with a user interface.

2. What is an Activity in Android?

An Activity is a fundamental component of Android apps that represents a single screen with a user interface.

3. Explain the Android application lifecycle.

The Android application lifecycle consists of onCreate(), onStart(), onResume(), onPause(), onStop(), onRestart(), and onDestroy() methods.

4. What is the purpose of the AndroidManifest.xml file?

The AndroidManifest.xml file contains essential information about the app, including its components, permissions, and hardware/software requirements.

5. What is a Fragment in Android?

A Fragment represents a portion of the user interface in an Activity, allowing for more modular app designs and reusable components.

6. What is the difference between LinearLayout and RelativeLayout?

LinearLayout arranges its children in a single row or column, while RelativeLayout positions child views relative to each other or to the parent.

7. What is an Intent in Android?

An Intent is a messaging object used to request an action from another app component, such as starting an activity or service.

8. How do you store data locally in Android?

Data can be stored locally using SharedPreferences, internal/external storage, or SQLite databases.

9. What is the purpose of the res folder in an Android project?

The res folder contains app resources such as layouts, drawables, strings, and other static content used in the application.

10. What is the difference between implicit and explicit intents?

Explicit intents specify the exact component to start, while implicit intents describe the type of action to perform without specifying the component.

11. What is a Service in Android?

A Service is a component that performs long-running operations in the background without a user interface.

12. How do you handle different screen sizes in Android?

By using density-independent pixels (dp), creating alternative layouts, and utilizing responsive design techniques.

13. What is the purpose of the Gradle build system in Android?

Gradle is used for automating and managing the build process, including dependency management and app packaging.

14. What is the difference between ListView and RecyclerView?

RecyclerView is more flexible and efficient than ListView, offering better performance and customization options.

15. How do you handle runtime permissions in Android?

By checking and requesting permissions at runtime using methods like checkSelfPermission() and requestPermissions().

16. What is the purpose of the ConstraintLayout?

ConstraintLayout allows for flexible positioning and sizing of child views, creating responsive layouts with a flat view hierarchy.

17. How do you create and use custom views in Android?

By extending existing View classes or creating a new View subclass and implementing custom drawing and event handling.

18. What is the difference between ArrayAdapter and CustomAdapter?

ArrayAdapter is used for simple lists with a single TextView, while CustomAdapter allows for more complex list item layouts.

19. How do you implement data binding in Android?

By enabling data binding in the build.gradle file and using layout files with the root tag to bind data directly to UI elements.

20. What is the purpose of the AsyncTask class?

AsyncTask is used to perform background operations and publish results on the UI thread without manually handling threads.

21. How do you handle configuration changes in Android?

By using onSaveInstanceState() to save data and recreating the activity, or by using ViewModel to retain data across configuration changes.

22. What is the difference between Serializable and Parcelable?

Both are used for data transmission, but Parcelable is more efficient for Android as it’s optimized for performance.

23. How do you implement notifications in Android?

By using the NotificationCompat.Builder class to create and customize notifications, then using NotificationManager to display them.

24. What is the purpose of ProGuard in Android development?

ProGuard is used for code obfuscation and optimization, making the app smaller and more difficult to reverse engineer.

25. What is the role of ViewModel in Android architecture?

The ViewModel is a part of the Android Architecture Components that is designed to store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle-conscious way. It allows data to survive configuration changes such as screen rotations, ensuring that the UI remains responsive and does not need to reload data unnecessarily. ViewModels are typically used in conjunction with LiveData to observe data changes, allowing the UI to automatically update when the underlying data changes without requiring manual refreshes. This separation of UI data from the UI controller (Activity or Fragment) helps in maintaining a clean architecture and improves testability.

Mid-Career Level Android Developer Interview Questions (SDE – II)

26. How do you handle memory leaks in Android?

Memory leaks can be handled by avoiding strong references to Activities or Fragments, using WeakReferences where appropriate, and properly unregistering listeners. Tools like LeakCanary can help detect and diagnose memory leaks.

27. Explain the difference between Parcelable and Serializable.

Parcelable is Android-specific and more efficient for IPC, while Serializable is a Java standard. Parcelable requires manual implementation but offers better performance, especially for large objects.

28. How do you implement dependency injection in Android?

Dependency injection can be implemented using frameworks like Dagger or Hilt. These tools help manage dependencies, improve testability, and reduce boilerplate code.

29. What are the key components of Android Jetpack, and how have you used them?

Android Jetpack includes components like ViewModel, LiveData, Room, and Navigation. I’ve used ViewModel for managing UI-related data, LiveData for observable data holders, Room for database operations, and Navigation for in-app navigation.

30. Describe your experience with Kotlin coroutines.

Kotlin coroutines provide a way to write asynchronous, non-blocking code. I’ve used them for network calls, database operations, and other long-running tasks, leveraging features like structured concurrency and flow.

31. How do you ensure app security in Android?

App security can be ensured by implementing proper encryption for sensitive data, using HTTPS for network communications, validating user inputs, using ProGuard for code obfuscation, and keeping libraries and dependencies up to date.

32. Explain the concept of custom views in Android and when you would use them.

Custom views are used when standard Android widgets don’t meet specific UI requirements. They’re created by extending existing View classes or ViewGroup classes and overriding onDraw() and onMeasure() methods.

33. How do you optimize app performance in Android?

Performance can be optimized by minimizing network calls, using efficient layouts (e.g., ConstraintLayout), implementing view holder pattern in RecyclerView, using appropriate threading for heavy operations, and optimizing database queries.

34. What’s your approach to writing testable Android code?

Writing testable code involves following SOLID principles, using dependency injection, separating concerns, and creating interfaces for dependencies. This allows for easier unit testing and mocking of components.

35. How do you handle different screen sizes and resolutions in Android?

By using density-independent pixels (dp), creating alternative layouts for different screen sizes, utilizing ConstraintLayout for flexible designs, and providing different resource files for various screen densities.

36. Explain the difference between MVC, MVP, and MVVM architectural patterns in Android.

MVC separates the app into Model, View, and Controller. MVP introduces a Presenter that handles the UI logic. MVVM uses a ViewModel to expose data streams to the View, often used with data binding.

37. How do you implement offline functionality in an Android app?

Offline functionality can be implemented using local databases (e.g., Room), caching mechanisms, WorkManager for background sync, and implementing proper error handling for when the device is offline.

38. What’s your experience with Kotlin Flow?

Kotlin Flow is used for handling streams of data asynchronously. I’ve used it for reactive programming, often in combination with coroutines, for tasks like real-time updates and data transformations.

39. How do you handle background tasks in Android?

Background tasks can be handled using WorkManager for deferrable background work, Foreground Services for long-running operations, and Kotlin coroutines for asynchronous programming.

40. Explain the concept of data binding in Android.

Data binding allows you to bind UI components in layouts to data sources in the app using a declarative format. It reduces boilerplate code and can improve app performance.

41. How do you implement push notifications in Android?

Push notifications are typically implemented using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). This involves setting up FCM in the app, creating a service to handle incoming messages, and managing token registration and updates.

42. What’s your approach to app modularization in Android?

App modularization involves breaking the app into separate modules based on features or layers. This improves build times, enables parallel development, and can support instant apps.

43. How do you handle API versioning in your Android apps?

API versioning can be handled by using different endpoints for different versions, implementing proper error handling for deprecated APIs, and gradually migrating to newer versions while maintaining backward compatibility.

44. Explain your experience with Kotlin multi-platform projects.

Kotlin multi-platform allows sharing code between Android, iOS, and other platforms. I’ve used it to share business logic and data models while keeping UI implementation platform specific.

45. How do you implement accessibility features in Android apps?

Accessibility features include providing content descriptions for UI elements, ensuring proper focus order, supporting screen readers, and implementing proper color contrasts. Android’s accessibility testing tools can help identify issues.

46. What’s your approach to handling configuration changes in Android?

Configuration changes can be handled by using ViewModel to retain data, implementing onSaveInstanceState() for saving small amounts of data, or using the ‘android:configChanges’ attribute in the manifest for specific scenarios.

47. How do you implement deep linking in Android apps?

Deep linking is implemented by defining intent filters in the AndroidManifest.xml file, handling the incoming intents in the appropriate activity, and extracting relevant data from the deep link URI.

48. Explain your experience with Android’s Navigation component.

The Navigation component simplifies implementing navigation, handling deep links, and managing fragment transactions. I’ve used it to create a single activity app with multiple fragments and to implement bottom navigation.

49. How do you handle large dataset in RecyclerView?

Large datasets in RecyclerView can be handled by implementing pagination, using DiffUtil for efficient updates, and potentially using the Paging library from Android Jetpack for seamless loading of large data sets.

50. What’s your approach to continuous integration and deployment for Android apps?

CI/CD for Android typically involves using tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, or Bitrise. This includes automating builds, running unit and instrumentation tests, generating signed APKs, and deploying to the Play Store or distribution platforms.

Senior Level Android Developer Interview Questions (SDE – III)

51. How would you architect a large-scale Android application with multiple modules?

I would use a modular architecture with feature modules, a core module for shared components, and a clean architecture pattern (e.g., MVVM or MVI). I’d implement dependency injection, use Kotlin multi-platform for shared business logic, and ensure clear separation of concerns.

52. Explain your strategy for optimizing app performance and reducing ANR (Application Not Responding) issues.

I’d profile the app using tools like Android Profiler, optimize UI rendering, use efficient data structures, implement lazy loading, use coroutines for asynchronous operations, and ensure heavy computations are off the main thread.

53. How do you approach continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) for Android projects?

I use tools like Jenkins or GitLab CI, implement automated testing (unit, integration, UI), use static code analysis tools, automate build processes, and set up different build flavors for staging and production environments.

54. Describe your experience with Android’s Jetpack Compose.

I’ve used Jetpack Compose for declarative UI development, which significantly speeds up UI creation. I’ve implemented custom composables, handled state management, and integrated it with existing XML-based layouts for gradual migration.

55. How do you ensure data security in Android applications?

I implement encryption for sensitive data storage, use HTTPS for network communications, implement certificate pinning, use the Android Keystore system for key management, and follow best practices for handling user authentication and authorization.

56. Explain your approach to writing testable Android code.

I follow SOLID principles, use dependency injection, create interfaces for dependencies to allow easy mocking, separate business logic from Android framework code, and use architecture patterns that support testability like MVVM or Clean Architecture.

57. How do you handle backward compatibility in Android apps?

I use the AndroidX libraries, implement feature detection rather than version checking, use the Support Library for older API versions, and carefully manage API level dependencies to ensure the app runs smoothly across different Android versions.

58. Describe your experience with Kotlin coroutines and Flow.

I use coroutines for asynchronous programming, leveraging features like structured concurrency and cancellation. I’ve used Flow for reactive programming, often in combination with StateFlow and SharedFlow for UI state management and event handling.

59. How do you optimize battery usage in Android apps?

I use JobScheduler or WorkManager for background tasks, implement efficient location strategies, use Firebase Cloud Messaging for push notifications, optimize network calls, and use tools like Battery Historian to identify and fix battery drain issues.

60. Explain your approach to implementing custom views in Android.

I extend existing View classes or ViewGroups, override onDraw() and onMeasure() methods, implement custom attributes, ensure proper handling of accessibility, and optimize drawing operations for performance.

61. How do you handle memory management in Android?

I avoid memory leaks by using WeakReferences where appropriate, properly unregistering listeners, using the application context instead of activity context when necessary, and using tools like LeakCanary to detect and fix memory leaks.

62. Describe your experience with Android’s Navigation component.

I’ve used the Navigation component to implement single-activity architectures, handle deep linking, manage fragment transactions, and implement type-safe arguments passing between destinations.

63. How do you approach app modularization in large Android projects?

I separate the app into feature modules, a core module for shared components, and library modules for reusable code. I use dynamic feature modules for on-demand delivery and implement clear module boundaries to improve build times and enable parallel development.

64. Explain your strategy for handling configuration changes in Android.

I use ViewModel to retain data across configuration changes, implement onSaveInstanceState() for saving small amounts of data, use Fragment arguments for passing data, and in some cases, handle configuration changes manually for complex scenarios.

65. How do you implement offline-first architecture in Android apps?

I use Room database for local storage, implement a repository pattern to abstract data sources, use WorkManager for background sync, implement proper error handling and conflict resolution strategies, and use tools like Realm for more complex offline scenarios.

66. Describe your experience with performance profiling in Android.

I use Android Studio’s CPU, Memory, and Network profilers to identify bottlenecks. I’ve used Systrace for analyzing UI performance, LeakCanary for memory leak detection, and custom performance monitoring tools for production apps.

67. How do you approach multithreading in Android applications?

I primarily use Kotlin coroutines for asynchronous operations, leveraging dispatchers for thread management. For specific cases, I might use RxJava or Java’s ExecutorService. I ensure proper synchronization and avoid race conditions.

68. Explain your strategy for reducing APK size.

I use R8 for code shrinking and obfuscation, implement app bundles for efficient distribution, use vector drawables where possible, remove unused resources, and leverage dynamic feature modules for large apps.

69. How do you handle data consistency across multiple devices for a single user?

I implement a sync adapter or use WorkManager for periodic syncing, use conflict resolution strategies, leverage Cloud Firestore or similar real-time databases for live updates, and implement proper error handling for sync failures.

70. Describe your experience with Android’s biometric authentication.

I’ve implemented fingerprint and face recognition using the Biometric API, ensuring fallback mechanisms for devices without biometric capabilities, and following best practices for secure key storage using the Android Keystore system.

71. How do you approach accessibility in Android applications?

I ensure proper content descriptions for UI elements, implement proper focus order, support screen readers, use appropriate color contrasts, and leverage Android’s accessibility testing tools to identify and fix issues.

72. Explain your strategy for handling different screen sizes and orientations.

I use ConstraintLayout for flexible layouts, implement alternative layouts for different screen sizes and orientations, use density-independent pixels (dp) for consistent sizing, and leverage Android’s resource qualifier system for providing different resources based on device characteristics.

73. How do you implement clean architecture in Android applications?

I separate the app into data, domain, and presentation layers, use use cases for business logic, implement a repository pattern for data abstraction, and use dependency injection to manage dependencies between layers.

74. Describe your experience with Android’s App Bundle format and dynamic feature delivery.

I’ve implemented App Bundles to reduce app size and enable dynamic feature delivery. This involves modularizing the app, configuring the build process for app bundles, and implementing on-demand delivery of features using the Play Core library.

75. How do you approach code review and mentoring in an Android development team?

I focus on code quality, adherence to architectural patterns, performance considerations, and best practices during code reviews. For mentoring, I emphasize understanding of Android fundamentals, encourage continuous learning, pair programming sessions, and provide guidance on career growth in Android development.

Advantages of Hiring Android Developers with Help from VALiNTRY

After reading through this post, you’re probably thinking to yourself, “I don’t have the bandwidth for this!” That’s where VALiNTRY comes in as we offer significant benefits in helping you hire Android developers like:

1. Extensive Experience: Over a decade of expertise in recruiting Android development professionals, ensuring access to top-tier talent.

2. Rapid Turnaround: Quality candidates typically provided within 48 hours or less, significantly reducing your time-to-hire.

3. Vetted Talent Pool: Access to pre-screened, highly qualified Android developers who have undergone rigorous technical assessments.

4. Industry Knowledge: Deep understanding of the Android development landscape, including current trends, technologies, and market rates.

5. Customized Solutions: Tailored recruitment strategies to meet your specific needs, whether you’re looking for specialized skills or team augmentation.

6. Comprehensive Screening: Thorough vetting process that goes beyond technical skills to ensure cultural fit and long-term compatibility.

7. Ongoing Support: Assistance throughout the hiring process and beyond, including onboarding support and performance follow-ups.

8. Cost-Effective: While there’s an upfront cost, the efficiency and quality of hires often result in long-term cost savings.

9. Scalability: Ability to quickly ramp up your Android development team as your projects and company grow.

10. Risk Mitigation: Reduced hiring risks through thorough background checks and technical validations.

By partnering with VALiNTRY to hire Android developers, you can streamline your hiring process, access top talent, and focus on your core business while building a strong mobile development team.

Let VALiNTRY Help You Enhance the Way You Hire Android Developers

With significant demand for qualified Android Developers, finding an Android Developer that matches your organization’s need and culture can be challenging. This is where the Android Developer recruiters at VALiNTRY can help. We have relationships with Entry-Level, Mid-Career, and Senior Android Developer candidates waiting to work for you.
Ready to build your next great mobile app? Reach out to our Android Developer recruiting team.

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